Commercial Project - Logo Animation 2: Entry 2

For the pencil drawn effects of the logo’s formation I went onto the effects and presets tab and applied the “Vegas” effect onto the logo layer. This effect will cause the image to become transparent and by changing the length within the segments tab, I’ll have achieved my drawing effect.
Because of how dark the logo is, I found it somewhat difficult to work with my current background that being a chalkboard and decided to change the background to a slightly crumpled up paper texture. My initial thought was to work with a white background because it’s a clean and minimalist approach and also ensures professional results, but since this was a reoccurring theme throughout my previous UCH logo reveals; probably due to a personal preference I thought that I would try something different outside of my comfort zone.

Shortly after changing the background I then applied key frames on “length” for the drawing effect I was looking for. In the preview manage the animation was somewhat slow and stiff, therefore easing the key frames was a requirement.

Once the animation was a little bit quicker and snappy I moved onto applying the pencil scratch texture, this process is done by duplicating the logo layer and applied an alpha matte onto the logo, for this pencil effect. 


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