Shane Le Mar - 2D to 3D and why?
During the course of making the animated HaFest! Logo I have come across many issue which have needed solving however one of the biggest problems came in the form of the font and how illegible it was. When it was 2D it could not been seen at all in the tunnel of colors that I've created. The posed quite the issue as I needed to keep the font as close to the HiFest!/HaFest! font as i could. I also had to adhere to the colors that we have to work with. They are not bad colors in the slightest however they do prove to be a problem in this case as to make the font visible I would have normally changed the colour to stand out and contrast the background but in this case I can't due to the very specific set of colors we've been given. I had my own idea of a work around in my head which was to make the font 3D, this would also help to keep the futuristic style that the tunnel brings to the whole scene. I will explain more about the 3D in my next entry.
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