Shane Le Mar - Hastings Animation Festival 'Sting'

In today's lesson we had a new tutor, Silas Money who introduced us to the new Commercial Project. This project will be to create an animated sting for the 'HA Fest!' (or Hastings Animation Festival). It is a fantastic brief as it gives us a run time for the sting and even the RGB levels for the colour palette we have to adhere to, this is great as I have parameters to work with which eliminates that considering colour stage. The only issue I've come across since beginning this brief which is that the font used in the Logo is that of a custom font and cannot be found anywhere. So to fix this issue I have scoured the internet to find a font that looked somewhat similar in size and shape. I found this in 'Futura' unfortunately it is way to sleek and professional a font to be used in the Logo so I will have to customize it myself in order to use it.
In order to do so I used a technique which involved Turbulently Displacing the text that gave it a sort of 'wibble' that emulated the Hi Fest font as best as I could. After i had nailed a font I was happy with I then moved on to a little bit of Animation.


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