Shane Le Mar - Trip to London and Industrial Light Magic

Today's we went London to visit Industrial Light and Magic situated in Hend House. We all headed up there on the train to get there early. Before we had our talk we had time to explore London which I (and a group of friends) decided to head to Chinatown for a cultural experience.
Once we were back at Hend House we were invited into the lobby where a stunning VFX construction show reel was playing. After a short wait in the lobby we were taken down to the basement and shown another show reel of the high quality movies they worked on. Afterwards there was a talk from employees that worked there, there was someone who headed layout, someone from lighting and modeler/texturing expert.
They explained a little bit about their job roles and how they got into the industry however I would say that the things I took away the most from this experience was how they networked alot before finishing University by going to Pub Meet-ups and festivals. This is a fantastic idea and has sparked me to look for events that may happen somewhat locally. Another valuable piece of knowledge is to keep our show reels very short (1 min in length) and that "you are only as good as your worst piece" this is something that tied directly in with what they said about finding an area and hone it. Overall I would have to say that it was an amazing experience which I think I can safely say we all brought something back from.


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