Sussex Downs College logo transition

The Sussex Coast logo transition from the previous commercial project was apparently well received. So much so that the college is now using the animation on their social media accounts and in the front of their YouTube videos as well as their promotional DVDs.

The marketing team has shared it with the whole college group, because of this, Sussex Downs College has noticed my work and I was then commissioned to make the revamped logo for SDC. This required me to morph their old logo into the new martinets’ logo, with a colour change to represent their colours. In this case the martinet needs to be orange, within After Effects I was able to apply the “Fill” effect onto the bird’s layers; by doing this I’m able to then use the colour pick tool and begin making changes from the green colour scheme onto the orange one.

An area I found somewhat challenging for myself was changing the bird’s position in order for it to conform to the new logo’s design. It was a delicate process that involved referring to the ESC logo and make slow, subtle changes by moving both the birds as well as the camera to have the SDC martinet be at the centre of the composition. 


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