Crafty Friday Saphire Addams

The prerequisite for this project was to plan and create a 7s short animation with creative or digital media that reflects and advertises St Wilfred's Hospice Crafty Friday in a positive way.  
This short animation was to include royalty free sound, the wording “Crafty Friday” in an original, slick and professional way.  
I planned for this project by researching tutorials by Jesse J. Jones and TipTut on Youtube. The tutorials that they created were for the software Animate CC. Animate CC is digital software that practices traditional frame by frame drawn animation. Animate CC has various tools that make animating traditionally easier, for instance, there is an onion skin setting that allows previous and future frames to be shown with low opacity for reference.
So I was aware that this sting was to be incredibly creative and captivating. I thought that a good starting point would be to follow a tutorial that included some kind of paint splatter. I found a tutorial of a stickman flipping, kicking a ball and landing. I knew I could implement the paint splatter as the stickman landed.
I followed the tutorial, frame by frame, with a drawing pad and my laptop at home. I learnt various things through this tutorial, such as the basics of Animate CC and “motion tweening” (for the shadow of the stickman) which helped a lot in class as future Animate CC tutorials were taught.
 After creating the base of the animation, I refined the paint splatters by adding in paint drops. This helped the overall feel of the animation because it looked more realistic and therefor more impressive.
I changed the colour scheme on Premiere Pro by applying a “Tint” in effects & pre-sets, the tint I applied was the colour blue because I thought it looked icy which was relevant to the season. I refined the title by adding snowflakes with a transparent background onto the lettering on photoshop, removing the original lettering so only the snowflakes were visible and then animating it falling from the sky at the end of the stickman animation. I feel that the “Crafty Friday” logo looked good and worked well with the colour scheme I had inserted by using the “tint” effect.
Overall I am happy with the end product and I feel my skillset progressed a lot during this project. I feel I could’ve improved the drawings but considering it was my first time attempting to use Animate CC that is not a massive concern.


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