ESCG Logo’s Morph - Balázs Szabó

ESCG Logo’s Morph

Critical Evaluation

This second professional practice module of mine involves the morphing of the old logo of East Sussex College's, into the new one. The aim of this short eleven second animation was created for the institution for advertising purposes. It can work as both an intro and outro.

If I was to name this, I’d call it “Out with the old, in with the new!” as the original idea that inspired me was coming from the Greek mythological Phoenix birds and the myth of their rebirth.
It really interests me the way anyone can just imagine the bird destruct itself and reconstruct after, even though the bird only lives in old mythological stories.

 -       This is the hand drawn story board I created before starting the animation.
For the animation technique I used Cinema 4D, and its “Mograph” feature to achieve the following effects.

-This is the original logo that the college used before deciding to change it into something else.

-Here the old logo cracks to symbolise the end of the logo’s life.

-Once it shatters, we hear a sound effect I used to enhance the visuals and what actually happens, to make it more realistic.

-The pause in between works well to keep the viewers waiting on what’s happening next. It kind of works just as a bit of white space gives harmony to a piece of art.

- The shattered glass pieces re-emerge together to assemble the new logo.

-Here the logo is finally re-born and ready to attract more people to the college.
A fresh start.

With some help, I first generated a wall in C4D using “Mograph” which I then copied the old logo of ESCG’s onto the wall.
I then added the “glass” effect to the wall so that when the wall breaks, it gives the effect of a broken glass window. I generated a sphere which I then added the tag “Collider” onto which was the one that broke the glass wall, although the ball remained invisible.
Once the glass wall broke, I then reversed it and changed the old logo to the new one.
The sound effects I used for this animation were crucial in the sense that it really helped to make it dynamic and fluid at the same time. I achieved this on “Premiere Pro’ to merge the visuals and the sounds together.

Overall, I think I need more practice and experiments with Cinema 4D as I don’t feel comfortable enough yet to produce much work by using the programme.
Although watching YouTube tutorials from artists like “Fattu” has helped me/ guided me a little.


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