Jay Boggis - The Great Battle - 2D Animation Module.

2D Animation module - The Great Battle.

For this module we had to create 3 2D animations made with software to hand in at the end of term. Earlier during the module we have learned about some techniques in Adobe Animate e.g. bouncy ball, motion tween and rotoscoping.
I wanted to create an animation using some of the skills I had throughout the project so I thought about doing an animation involving two characters having a boxing match. I thought about what style to do the animation in and I have always wanted to do an animation in 1920s style similar to Walt Disney's 'Steamboat Willie', rubberhose is the name of this technique.

Once I thought of an idea and turned it into a storyboard I began to create the first character who would be the hero that I named Rambo. The main influence for his design is Sylvester Stallone's movie character Rambo. Once I designed him I began to design the evil character called Spike. His design reference came from me watching old 1920s to late 1950s black and white animations. In the picture below you can see the set up and the timeline with the layers.

When I finished designing the characters in Adobe Animate I started to work on the background. How I created the ring was by getting a selection of pictures of an old 1920s boxing ring then using the line and shape tools tracing over the picture of the ring. While creating the ring there was a few problems  due to the lighting of the picture but I was able to work past this. When it came animating the arms it was little tricky because the arms was either moving two fast or two low but after re designing the arms a little and help from the tutor I was able to overcome this problem. 
Once I finished animating the characters having their boxing fight I placed the files in After Effects and started to put them together. To make the animation look better and for it to feel like a real 1920s animation I went onto YouTube and found some 1920s 8mm old film overlay that I placed on top of the animated scene then turned the opacity down. This helped my animation come together a lot more and made it feel like a 1920s animation. Once I did that I sourced some sounds of boxing crowd, bell and punch sounds that I put together to make the animation come to life more.


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