Unit 8 – Final Major Project: Idea Generation

Idea 1:

Characters made up of abstract shapes. This could consist of triangles or squares which are then given small legs to walk around and interact among themselves. As for how this concept can be stretched up to 4 minutes and remain entertaining will certainly be a challenge.

A possible narrative that I could implement is the theme of racism, in which certain shapes are treated differently compared to others. So, hypothetically speaking the squares were superior to the other shapes and the triangles were seen as insignificant and were treated poorly; this was because they were uneven and didn’t have 4 corners as a square would have. By being different the squares didn’t want to be associated with “their kind”. Due to being treated differently the triangles were segregated, this meant going to triangle only waiting rooms and being refused from entering “Square only” establishments.   

Idea 2:

Kinect typography is a possible and achievable avenue for me to take with my final major project and feel most confident in this area. Since the animation should aim to be 4 minutes in length, a music video would be a safe bet. The challenge would be presenting the lyrics in a slick and concise manner that doesn’t disrupt the flow of the song, breaking the viewer’s immersion.

Since this’ll be a long project I’ll need to find the correct audio to work with in order to maintain motivated to see the project through from start to finish. 

The main drawback from doing Kinect Typography is that I won’t be learning from anything drastically new compared to doing something I’ve had no initial experience with (i.e character animation). But maybe playing things safe is the right decision in order to minimise devastating mistakes that’ll have a knock on effect on the final outcome of my animation.  

Idea 3:

Documentary infomercial for around 4 minutes will be an ambitious venture as it requires professional visuals and well-presented statistics that go alongside the narrator’s voice. I’ll have to develop multiple assets to compliment the subject matter the documentary covers. For instance if it were to talk about the effects of addiction and drug use.  This’ll mean that I will have to create in vectorised graphics of syringes and pills; since they are the images that are most commonly associated with drug use. 


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